Where you find your best-self!

There’s a mysterious place that many people are afraid to go. They hear about this place and how treacherous it can be, and only know stories of people who’ve gone there before and have failed. What is this place? It’s the unknown and it’s the single destination that traps careers and stifles potential. 

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone,” – Roy T. Bennet

It’s true that when you venture out of your comfort zone, you get a glimpse of who you truly are. A personal trainer once told me that it’s so much more interesting finding out what you cannot do, rather than what you can do. She was right, it was a personal challenge to re-define what I felt my limitations were. Taking a journey into the unknown. The unknown I s about confronting our anxieties and pursuing our passions.

We frequently have sentiments like “I can’t,” “I don’t want to,” or “it’s too difficult” that keep us stagnant and miserable in our lives. It is only when we realize that we can find our true self when we stop allowing our negative thoughts to control us.

Taking a step into the unknown, the place just beyond where we can see the outcome, is terrifying. That’s the part that makes our hearts race and causes us to break out in a cold sweat, but we still want to see what’s there.

Staying in our comfort zones prevents us from taking that first step into the unknown. It ensures our safety and security. Your current life is based on your comfort zone. It’s the way you define who and what you are right now.

But what if you pushed yourself beyond that comfort zone? Would something bad happen? Or would you suddenly become fascinated with idea of experiencing something completely new?

How do you know if you should take a chance on something new? Begin by making a list of ten activities that don’t terrify you and that you do frequently. This might include activities like taking public transportation or delivering a public speech, or whatever else does not frighten you. Because we all have various comfort zones, it will be different for each person.

Describe how it feels to be in your comfort zone. Use as many feeling words as possible to provide as much information as feasible. What does it feel like to be in your own mind, and your life?

Then consider the following questions:

  1. Do you have any goals you’d like to accomplish but haven’t yet?
  2. Do you find yourself unsatisfied with your everyday routine?
  3. Do you wish to make a major difference in your community?
  4. Are your ambitions and passions constantly nagging at you?
  5. Do you have any material or intangible goals that you don’t have?
  6. Do you have trouble finding significance in your life?
  7. Do you find yourself envious of those who have accomplished or done something you secretly desire?

After you’ve answered these questions, consider what’s preventing you from pursuing your goals. What makes you feel uneasy? Is it apprehension? Are you afraid to try new things or take risks?

Make a list of ten things that scare you.

Now imagine how you’d feel if you were forced to live outside of your comfort zone. Provide as much information as possible. Describe how it feels, what you see, hear, and where you are in detail. To assist you a great exercise is to construct a vision board

Take your time when completing these tasks. Once you’ve identified what’s preventing you from venturing into the unknown, you may start taking modest steps outside of your comfort zone to get there.

Once you venture into the unknown and discover your best self, your career may be as fulfilling and exciting as you wish.

2 thoughts on “Where you find your best-self!

  1. I like the term ‘modest steps’, because what people often think—myself included—about going out their comfort zone is skydiving to get rid of their fear of heights, or something similar. But we can always tackle things little by little. Great points here. Thanks for sharing!

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